Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sierra is 11 months old!

My baby is 11 monthd old today. It makes me want to cry. It is so hard to watch her grow up so fast and know this is the last time we are going to see this. Watching her learn to walk and talk and climb. Listening to her babble, laugh, and even cry. In only one more month she will be a year old. WOW!


At the White House said...

My baby is 23 years old and it still amazes me how fast things change and how fast families keep growing and growing. You sure do have darling children.
Lots of Love,

Hannah said...

enjoy it!!!

jenilynd said...

It has been forever since I check blogs! Sorry. You guys sound busy. I can't believe your baby is going to be one here soon. Where is time going? Hope everyone is well and give all the kids hugs from me.

Veronica said...

Love the Blog Suzanne! I love how Sierra is in her own little train car when you unpacked Christmas things! To cute!