Saturday, February 28, 2009
Nurses, Doctors and Cake
Brad and I decided to celebrate Sierra's birthday with the people that helped us keep Sierra in a little longer and take care of her when she still came a little early. We bought a big sheet cake and took it to Stevens Hospital for the nurses and doctors. Ted and Alex were so excited to go back and see everyone. Alex really wanted to see his favorite nurse, Beth. And Brad and I couldn't wait to show them how big and healthy Sierra has gotten.
We went at 6:45pm, so that the day shift was still there and the night shift was just getting there. We were able to see two of Sierra's nurses, 8 of my nurses and the doctor that delivered Sierra. Sierra was so cute for them, showing off her walking, crawling and babbling abilities.
It was so nice to see everyone again.
Moms Night Out
I am part of a wonderful group of moms/dads/caregivers on yahoo. If I didn't have this group of wonderful people I would not be a stay at home mom still. I was so scared three years ago to saty at home with Ted (6 1/2 at the time) and Alex (18 months at the time), I didn't think I would be able to do it. I found this group and they became my lifesavers. We would get our childrens together for playdates or meet at an indoor playground, or park and we would have moms night out. Now that most of our kids are older and in school and a lot of our moms are working again, we mainly just have moms night out. I look forward to going and getting some "me time" with my friends. Tonight one of my good friends, Andra, hosted a MNO at her house. I wasn't going to go because my back/leg has been really bad, but Brad thought I needed at night out. So he drove me to Andra's and afterward I got a ride home with another mom that lives by me. We had so much fun; eating, laughing, talking, and complaining! Thank you ladies for a wonderful night/morning!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Swimming Lessons
Today Ted and Alex started a new round of swimming lessons. Alex is now on PFS Level 4 (the highest level for his age bracket) and Ted is in YS Level 3. Ted has just a few little techniques to master then he can move up one more level. He is doing so well and the teacher has only wonderful things to say about him. Alex is so excited to be in Level 4 because now he is in the big pool (just like his brother)!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Time to Come Home
We had to leave Las Vegas to day and come back home :( I can't believe how fast the time flew by. We had so much fun and we were able to do so many things and see so many people. Thank you Jennifer and Aarron and Grandma Gus and Grandpa Bud for opening your homes to us and letting us take it over. LOL! I know how much extra work 5 people can add.
I woke up this morning and started packing while Brad watched the kids. When Jen woke up she helped me stuff all of our stuff plus all the new stuff we bought into 8 suitcases/duffell bags, plus 5 carry-ons. Yes, I know that is a lot of bags!! About that time Mom and Dad came over from the hotel. Dad was still not feeling good and went to bed. Mom was a little bit better and helped with the kids. Brad packed up the van while Jen and I made a big Sunday breakfast.
Jen and Aarron followed us to the airport and rental car drop off, because my back and leg were so bad that I couldn't drive! Brad took the kids through security while I took the rental back. Then I meet up with them after I was done. We both got through security really fast and were able to let the kids run off some energy. We got on our plane and Brad gave Sierra a bottle and I go the boys ready for take-off. Sierra and Brad fell asleep about 20 minutes after take-off, Alex feel asleep about 30 minutes after take-off and Ted and I watched a movie and read. Alex, Sierra and Brad woke up about 20 minutes before we landed. The flight was nice and quite.
Shari picked us up from the airport and we were home in no time. The boys are in bed now and I have unpacked all of the suitcases/duffel bags and have made huge laundry piles. Now it is time for me to go to bed.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Dolphin Habitat and Secret Garden
On Saturday morning we woke up and had some breakfast and Brad went to Starbucks for everyone! I was actually able to walk when I woke up this morning, my back and leg are very sore but manageable with my pain killers. We were all going to go to the Mirage and see the Dolphin Habitat and Secret Gardens, but my dad got really sick the night before and my moms stomach/gallbladder was hurting her and Jen and Aarron were not up for the trip either. So Brad and I loaded the kids into the car and took them back downtown to the Mirage. It was a beautiful and perfect day for being outside.
We were able to get some great parking and went through the casino and right out to the habitat. We didn't have to wait at all, which was so nice. Alex and Ted loved the dolphins and once again stopped to listen and/or read about everything that they were seeing. They had a baby dolphin this year and we all loved to watch it play. And once again the boys were full of questions for the staff working around the pools. 

We were all a little bit hungry so we bought some hot dogs, chips and drinks and ate lunch at a table right next to a dolphin pool. The dolphins were playing and doing some tricks while we were eating.

After lunch we went into the Secret Garden area. We saw white lions, leopards (two adults, one teenager and a very small baby), Siberian tigers, white tigers and four baby tigers. The boys loved to watch the baby tigers running around and playing. 

We had some pasta bake, french bread and salad for dinner. Mom and Dad were still not feeling great so they skipped dinner and just hung out with us. After dinner we had a early birthday party for Sierra. Jen bought her a little cake to smash and cupcakes for everyone else. Sierra did not like it at first, it think she didn't like the sprinkles on the cake. She never really ate it, but she loved playing in it!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Shark Encounters and The Little Chapel of the West
On Friday morning we all got up and had some breakfast, while we waited for Jennifer to get home from work and Mom and Dad to come over from the hotel. Aarron had to work all day so he was not going to come with us this morning.
Once everyone got home we loaded up the van and the car and headed to the Shark Encounter at the Mandalay Bay Hotel on the strip. We only had a few minutes to wait for tickets then we went inside to see all of the cool animals!
When you go inside they give you a remote/recorder, so you can punch in a number (that correlates to the tank you are looking at) and it will tell you all about the animal/fish/shark inside. Ted and Alex listened at everything at every tank. They were so full of questions and really listened to the answers! It was wonderful to watch them learn and enjoy it. Sierra was in her favorite backpack on Brad's back and loved it! Mom, Dad, Jen and I just tried to keep up the boys questions.
There was a tank that you could lean over and look/touch some rays and horseshoe crabs. The rays were so soft and the horseshoe crabs were hard but smooth. The boys loved looking and touching and asked the lady working there a dozen or more really good questions.
Then we entered the last big exhibit with all the different sharks, eels, turtles, fish, etc. It has a bunch of different windows all around the sides, bottom and some on top. We were able to see some really cool things. And we were there on feeding day, so we were able to watch a bunch of them eat, very cool! A woman that worked there came out to one of the tunnels to answer peoples questions and the boys had a million very interesting and intelligent questions for her. She was so impressed with them that she took Ted, Alex, Brad and Jen into a separate room that they use as a classroom with more animals and information. And spent another 15 minutes answering more questions! The boys couldn't stop talking about how much fun they had. And of course at the end we had to stop at the gift shop to by souvenirs.
We were all very hungry at this point in the afternoon so we decided to drive across the street to McDonalds/Subway/Panda Express to get a late lunch. While we were waiting at the light to go across the street we saw The Little Chaple of the West, which is where my parents got married over 30 years ago! I was surprised that it was still there. After lunch we went back to Jen and Aarron's house and visited some more. We had a late dinner of pot roast, mashed potatoes, gravy and peas, mmmmmmmmmm good. We had a great time today!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Last Day in Overton/ Heading to Vegas Again
So I woke up this morning and my stomach felt so much better, but my back is really hurting! Grandma Gus is also feeling much better this morning, thank goodness!
We had breakfast and got ready for the day. Brad and I took the kids down to Lake Mead to feed the carp, striped bass and ducks. There are so many fish and they fight over the bread that they swim on top of each other and become to solid that it looks that you could walk on them.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Overton Day 3/ The Best Husband and Father Ever!
So I ended up throwing up a few more times last night/this morning. And there is not enough pain killers in the world to help my back right now!! Brad got up with Sierra and went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house and feed all the kids breakfast. That is when he found out the Grandma Gus was sick too. I felt so bad!!!
So Brad and Grandpa Bud decided to try to keep the kids busy all day so that Grandma and I could sleep and get some rest. Brad put Sierra in her backpack and walked with the boys down to McDonald's and got them a cinnamon roll and chocolate milk to drink and then they walked all the way back home (It was about 1.5 miles round trip!!). He said the boys did so well.
Sierra started to fall asleep on the way home, but woke up when Brad tried to put her down and would not go back to sleep. So Brad loaded all three kids in the van and drove to the Lost City Indian Museum. They were able to see some really neat things and ask a lot of questions about the city.
Brad brought them home and feed everyone some lunch. Checked on me again and put the baby down for her afternoon nap. While Sierra napped, Brad and Grandpa Bud borrowed two
4-wheelers and took the boys 4-wheeling for a few hours. The boys had so much fun! Then Ted and Alex helped Grandpa give the ATVs an oil change and wash them.
About that time Sierra woke up and Brad went to the store to buy some pizza for dinner and some soup for me and Grandma Gus. Brad made dinner and played with the boys until bedtime.
He got them into bed and then came over and put Sierra to bed and now we are calling it a night. And you know what he never once complained about any of it. I am feeling so much better now and the kids had a wonderful day!
Thank you so much for being you, Brad!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Valley of Fire and Overton Day 2
So last night was the night from H*LL!!! Sierra did not like sleeping in the same room as us. She kept waking up, crying out, not wanting to eat, wanting to eat. We finally got Sierra back to sleep and then Alex woke up and had to throw up. He was yelling coming down the hall that he had to throw up and woke up Sierra. So Brad helped Alex and I got Sierra back down. Then not even an hour later Alex was back up again throwing up some more, which of course woke up Sierra again. Alex wanted to sleep with us, but there was no room in the bed with us. So Brad took Sierra and got in the van and drove around and around until she feel asleep, then came back and just parked the car and when she woke up again he drove around some more. Brad and Sierra ended up sleeping in the car all morning. Alex slept with me for the rest of the night/morning. And we all woke up very tired!
After a good breakfast and some caffeine we packed up some snacks and got everyone ready to go. Grandpa Bud, Brad, Ted, Alex, Sierra and I all got in the van and went to the Valley of Fire. It was Sierra's naptime, so I stayed in the car with her, for the first few stops and Brad and Grandpa Bud took the boys out to climb and explore. And boy did they! 

After Sierra woke up from her nap we all got out of the car and went climbing and exploring and Sierra played with sand and rocks in her stroller. 

We left the Valley of Fire and went home for lunch a great lunch that Grandma Gus made. We had afternoon naps and a lot of outdoor playtime. Then we head another great dinner. And Grandpa Bud took the boys out for ice cream.
I was not feeling very good, so I left the house and headed over to the other house. I barely made it to the bathroom before....that is right I got sick. And let me tell you how bad it hurts to throw up with an already bad back!!! Brad brought the boys and Sierra over for baths and bedtime. We switched up sleeping arrangements that night; Brad and I slept in the other house with Sierra in the front room and the boys slept in the guest bedroom and Grandma and Grandpa's. So far so good! Hopefully I won't throw up anymore....
Monday, February 16, 2009
Leaving Las Vegas...for Overton
This morning we woke up and got ready to drive to Overton for the next few days. I packed while Brad kept the kids busy. We left right on time, just in time for Sierra's nap!So the boys played games, Brad and I talked and Sierra napped on the way up to Overton. The drive was beautiful and it only took us a little over an hour.
We were able to have a really nice afternoon of visiting and letting the boys play outside and run off a lot of energy. The boys were so excited to be back and Sierra was loving having new things to get into :)
Alex and the baby took a great afternoon nap. Then we had a great dinner and dessert afterwards.
We all went to bed pretty early, since we knew the kids would wake up early.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Lazy Sunday in Las Vegas
On Sunday we had a lazy, relaxing day. The kids watch TV, we played at the park for a little while, we had In and Out Burger and Kane's Chicken for lunch (So good!), and we read and played games. And when Sierra decided that she wasn't going to take an afternoon nap, Jennifer and I decided to head over to Barnes and Nobles with her. We got coffee and looked around and bought way too many books. Sierra got a new board book to chew on and she was as happy as can be! Then we came home and made dinner. After dinner the boys played so video games.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's Day in Las Vegas
This morning, Brad, Ted, Alex, Sierra and I met up with Barry (Brad's Dad) for breakfast. We had a really nice time visiting with him and the kids loved seeing him again.
It was so beautiful today in Las Vegas. In the late morning Jen, Aarron, Brad, Ted, Alex, Sierra and I went across the street to a little park and played with the kids. We played swords, basketball, soccer, ran races, tag, and played on the playground equipment. Seirra went down her first slide with Auntie Jennifer. 

We had El Polo Loco for lunch, yummy it was just the way I remember it! Then while Brad stayed home with a napping Alex and Sierra; Jen and I got pedicures and went shopping for dinner. And Aarron took Ted for a boys afternoon; they went to Fry's, a comic book store and the Lamborghini Car Dealership!
We had steak, baked potatoes and salad for dinner, it was wonderful! Jennifer got an aquamarine and diamond tennis bracelet from Aarron and she got him a dog (not a real one).
Friday, February 13, 2009
Flying to Las Vegas!!
Ted was out of school for a few days for mid-winter break and so we decided to fly down to Las Vegas to see my sister, Jennifer, and my brother-in-law, Aarron, and their new house. And also spend a few days in Overton with Grandma and Grandpa Bonham. We got to the airport and checked our 7 bags! and we had 5 carry-ons! We walked right through security and took the kids to the playland.
We flew out this morning at 11:05am and arrived in Las Vegas at 1:35pm. Sierra slept all but 20 minutes of the flight and the boys watched movies and played games! It was a great flight. I picked up the rental car and went back to the airport to pick our everyone and everything! Then we drove to Jen and Aarron's house. We unpacked and visited with them for a little while. We left Sierra with Jen and Aarron and met Brad's Dad, Barry, at Circus Circus. The boys had so much fun winning prizes, watching the acts and eating ice cream! I can't believe how many things they won, we had a huge bag of toys to take back with us.
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