So last night was the night from H*LL!!! Sierra did not like sleeping in the same room as us. She kept waking up, crying out, not wanting to eat, wanting to eat. We finally got Sierra back to sleep and then Alex woke up and had to throw up. He was yelling coming down the hall that he had to throw up and woke up Sierra. So Brad helped Alex and I got Sierra back down. Then not even an hour later Alex was back up again throwing up some more, which of course woke up Sierra again. Alex wanted to sleep with us, but there was no room in the bed with us. So Brad took Sierra and got in the van and drove around and around until she feel asleep, then came back and just parked the car and when she woke up again he drove around some more. Brad and Sierra ended up sleeping in the car all morning. Alex slept with me for the rest of the night/morning. And we all woke up very tired!
After a good breakfast and some caffeine we packed up some snacks and got everyone ready to go. Grandpa Bud, Brad, Ted, Alex, Sierra and I all got in the van and went to the Valley of Fire. It was Sierra's naptime, so I stayed in the car with her, for the first few stops and Brad and Grandpa Bud took the boys out to climb and explore. And boy did they! 

After Sierra woke up from her nap we all got out of the car and went climbing and exploring and Sierra played with sand and rocks in her stroller. 

We left the Valley of Fire and went home for lunch a great lunch that Grandma Gus made. We had afternoon naps and a lot of outdoor playtime. Then we head another great dinner. And Grandpa Bud took the boys out for ice cream.
I was not feeling very good, so I left the house and headed over to the other house. I barely made it to the bathroom before....that is right I got sick. And let me tell you how bad it hurts to throw up with an already bad back!!! Brad brought the boys and Sierra over for baths and bedtime. We switched up sleeping arrangements that night; Brad and I slept in the other house with Sierra in the front room and the boys slept in the guest bedroom and Grandma and Grandpa's. So far so good! Hopefully I won't throw up anymore....
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