Saturday, June 27, 2009

Week in Review - Saturday Early Edition

We had a very busy fun week. We had the Aquasox game on Tuesday, so much fun. On Wednesday the kids and I had a playdate at Tina's house with a few other moms, it was so good to see everyone. Then on Thursday Andra and her kids came over and hung out for a while. On Friday we met up with a bunch of moms from the moms group at the zoo. Melissa and her three kids were up from Oregon, which meant that Jacob (Melissa's son) and Ted were able to hang out at the zoo. Jacob came home with us after the zoo and hung out with Ted all afternoon/evening. This morning we all got up and cleaned the house. Haley came over and babysat the kids while I took Brad out for an early birthday dinner. We went to Kirkland and had dinner at TGIFridays. After dinner we wondered around the area and got some Starbucks, then I drove us down to Juanita Bay Beach. It was beautiful, we walked down on the public dock and watch the boats come and go. We were even lucky enough to watch an eagle catch a fish for dinner, very cool. Tomorrow we are going to Brad's boss's house to play at the lake. I will post some pictures of it tomorrow.

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